Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapters 1, 2, and 3

In 1994, the theory and practice of design developement, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning focuses on the improvement of learning. In 2006, instruction design was researching, facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and magaging appropriate technological processes and resources. Instructional design facilitates learning. The technological part of instructional design is the processes and resources used to facilitate learning and improved performance.

In my work environment as and elementary school librarian, instructional design and technology can be defined as the analysis of learning or performance problems such as reading. In my world in the library, instructional design and technology is defined as the processes and resources used to facilitate learning and improved performance; such as an improved AR level and test scores.

My model of intructional design:
Assess learning needs and goals
Write objectives
Develop instructional strategy
Develop assessment strategy
Develop and select instructional materials

The model is learner centered. It is also goal oriented and focuses on the performance of the students . The assessment instrument is developed so that outcomes can be measured with validity. Any valid instructional design model would involve working as a team to engage everyone in the goal. The model would be self-correcting, frequentative and observable.

Chapter 3
The Internet has influenced the way we define and use educational technology. In higher education, for example, one can now take some or all classes online. As a teacher and librarian, I use educational technology much of the time. I use digital media, online databases and Webquests to name a few. What started out as educational films for the military in World War II, evolved into distance education for adults and online Live classes using Blackboard and such resources as well as the Internet used in the classroom for research projects and visiting distant places via the Internet. An example of blogs used in education can be class blogs where students check assignments or post what they are working on in class. Wikis can be used as an interactive tool among classmates to add to and work on a class project without actually physically being in the same room together. I predict that more and more classes will be available online and that digital books will be the norm in classrooms and libraries as they are already being used in this capacity.

1 comment:

  1. I must say that not having "the real thing" in libraries would be a sad time for me. There is no replacement for holding the book while you read and looking at the beautiful illustrations up close. Digital textbooks...not so bad.
