Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Section 4

1. One performance problem that I gave is getting students to take AR tests so they can pass and reach higher levels of reading. Human Performance Improvement is influenced by many factors including recognition of systematic thinking, organization complexity and a focus on performance. Human capital is at the base of performance according to the book.
In improving HPI for taking AR tests, I have to look at what I'm am doing, what teachers are doing and how it influences what students are accomplishing, i.e. taking and passing AR tests to reach personal goal. HPI(reaching AR test goal for six weeks) is the end result of interacting elements such as clear expectations. Do teachers and students have clear expectations of what I expect of them as far as participation and such and what my role as administrator is for the program. I expect teachers to participate in the program and help students to log on and take the tests and set their goals. I expect students to read at least one AR book per six weeks and take a test on that book. Another interacting element in HPI is appropriate incentives and consequences. If students reach their six week goal, they get to sign a bulletin board in the hall and choose an AR prize. If they don't reach their goal, students do not get to do either activity. There are other elements that interact to foster HPI such as timely and specific feedback, adequate resources, targeted training( I need to work on this), knowledge sharing and many more.
2. According to the book, an Electronic Performance Support System or EPSS, provides integrated access to information, advice, learning experiences and tools to help someone perform a task with minimal support from others. The book also includes an example of components of an easy EPSS. These are an Information Base, Learning Experiences, Embedded Coaching and Help Tools, An Expert Advisor and Customized Tools.
The EPSS definition was broadened to mean performs all of these functions listed above, plus it should function as an "electronic infrastructure" that captures, stores, and distributes individual and corporate knowledge assets through out the organization. The EPSS is a constantly changing system. An EPSS may also be software applications that provide integrated support for process, knowledge, tools, data, and communication.

According to wikipedia, an EPSS is any computer software program or components that improves user performance.

According to Answers), an EPSS is a computer system that provides quick assistance and information without prior training to use it.

An example for me would be the help and tools for Word or Destiny. Destiny actually has online support or a number to call. It seems like every software package for business or education comes with tools and support built right in so that anybody can use it without prior training. You are in essence, training yourself.

I think that EPSS are not used more because many people are entrenched in traditional learning and may be overwhelmed with the thought of learning by using a computer rather than face to face classes. I have heard people tell me that they are not self-motivated enough to use this type of system because they are usually self-paced. On the other hand, many people do use these types of systems and like to learn on their own, in their own way, and on their own time. I believe that these types of systems will become even more prevalent in the future. I also think that one reason people don't use these systems is that they may not realize these types of systems exist. I find it very rewarding to find the answer to a question or figure out how to do something on my own using an EPSS rather than to ask someone.

3. One problem we have as librarians is proper training on our AR program. I have never had any training in this area, yet I am the administrator for the program and must answer other's questions. Anything I have learned has been from asking the other librarians, searching to find the answer myself and trial and error. I need to know how to use this program efficiently and train teachers on how to use it. I think that a blended approach to learning how to use the software and administer the program both educationally and technologically. I feel that we need at least one face-to-face training session or webinar where we are all in a classroom together. We need to be together to collaborate and share ideas in person as well as by e-mail. We also need online lessons that we can go through on our own time to get more in-depth knowledge. We could then create our own knowledge repository or database of information and shared ideas for all of our use. We can share or mange in this way our collective knowledge so that all librarians have access to this information.

4. I, like others have had many informal learning experiences. I particularly liked my visit to Old Sturbridge, Mass. and the Collinsville Ax Factory in Collinsville, CT. In Old Sturbridge, I was able to experience a New England town in the 1800's time period. In Collinsville, I visited the ax museum and see the actual building where the factory had been. This visit gave me a glimpse into the lives of the people who lived in this town by looking at artifacts, pictures and clothing. The factory was built on the Collinsville River which was the lifeblood of the town as was the factory. It felt like I was stepping back in time to catch a glimpse of what life and the businesses that supported the town was like. The purpose of going to these two places was purely pleasure, interest and curiosity.

The museum and Old Sturbridge were both very engaging for me. I was totally immersed in what I was seeing and hearing. I felt like I was really experiencing life in a New England town from the 1800's. In Old Sturbridge, I especially liked looking at what a typical New England classroom would have been like. We walked in and sat down in a real classroom building. We socialized a lot with the people who worked there as well as the people visiting the site. We also learned what people from this era would have done for pleasure and socialization when one wasn't working. I talked with people dressed up in period dress and tried to do some of the things that people of this time might have done like crush grain for bread. The instructors were the people working there. Their role was that of formal instructor, participant, and facilitator. My role was an active participant and learner as well.


  1. What school district are you in? How long have you had an AR program, and do you think it is effective?

    I'm an elementary school librarian in Dallas. I know many librarians who use AR, but our head of Library/Media Services is not a big fan of AR. I see the benefit of it in that it ensures that students are reading. I know that people complain that you are telling what books students can and cannot select. I guess I'm kind of on the fence on this topic.

  2. You share "I find it very rewarding to find the answer to a question or figure out how to do something on my own using an EPSS rather than to ask someone." This will take you far in your career and life.
